Jess X Goh
Soul Founder
Life In Confidence
Your Path To Recovery Starts Here 🙌
Transform Trauma,
Change Your Life
It's time to move forward with trust.
Are you ready to live your best life?
About Me
Welcome to my sacred space, beautiful soul!🌟
I help burnt out, heart-centered high achievers all over the world to overcome the impacts of childhood abuse. I do this by empowering them to release their anger, shame and grief to reduce their anxiety drug-free.
What has led to my spiritual path was from my traumatic upbringing of domestic violence, sexual abuse, humiliation and bullying and coming out of it the other side with a deep gratitude for life.
I run an international holistic trauma recovery practice for 9 years, serving 1000+ clients through my events, online courses and 1:1 high level mentorship. I have successfully rebuilt functional and healthy relationships with my traumatised mother and estranged brother and manifested my soulmate (which I never thought would be possible!)
What lights me up is when I share my magic with the right people who are ready to go out of their comfort zone to show up for their transformation, nourish my temple and consciousness with nutrient rich plant-based meals, participating in holistic events, learning about crypto and exploring the world as a digital nomad. I absolutely adore my forever lover and facilitating Transforming Trauma Weekend Workshop, Conscious Relationship Weekend Workshop, Magnetic Womban Weekend Workshop, Ancestral Trauma Clearing Circle, Womben Healing Circle and Inner Child Healing Circle.
You're here because you're disappointed with the setbacks of mainstream therapy. You tried clinical therapy, personal development, spirituality and almost everything in between!
But nothing has worked out. You're ticking away with rage and fear. It feels like your world is falling apart and you're left alone in the dark. When will the nightmares and flashbacks ever end?
I totally get it. I've been there and done that too. I've spent over $80,000 in 8 years of mainstream therapy trying to figure myself out. The good news is, it doesn't have to be this way for you too! Watch my video.
Please make sure you watch my free webinar, Overcome The Impacts Of Childhood Trauma before booking the clarity call otherwise your call will be cancelled.
Work With Me
How can I support you? 🙏
Trauma Recovery Immersions
Find your YOU in my upcoming face to face workshops, online circles & healing audios.
1 Day Trauma Recovery Retreat
Experience clarity and confidence as you dive deep into your heart to unlock your potential.
1:1 Trauma Recovery Mentorship
Overcome childhood trauma, stop reliving your past & start living your best life in 3 months.
Questions Are The Answers
Just some FAQ that you might be interested in...🧐
When you choose your road to recovery, you want to say YES to the right mentor who has personally experienced life after trauma and delivered real results to their clients. This is the path to success. The reason why my clients reach out to me for guidance is because they are done with feeling crippled in anger and despair from mainstream therapy.
Why? They didn't choose the right mentor who has been successful in their own trauma recovery. This is why my clients achieved such GREAT results FAST!✨
Think of it this way: if you hire a fake mentor (who has credentials without personal experience of trauma), it's the blind leading the blind. You won't go anywhere in life.
Are you ready to move forward with trust? Book a free Clarity Call with me.
This will work for you if you're someone who's driven, ambitious, you're willing to do whatever it takes to get to the other side by being coachable, taking personal responsibility for your suffering and finding a way to flip it around.
You're not afraid to reach out for help and you're willing to be the student by leaving your ego at the door.
You're not interested in finding a bargain with cheap therapy because you've been there and done that and you know it doesn't work. You're seriously invested in your transformation by letting go of your false identity in order to upgrade your life.
Finally, you want a mentor to be there by your side who can guide you on your path to freedom and for you to rise in your sovereignty sustainably🙌
If this sounds like you, book a Clarity Call with me.
This is not for you if you haven't tried any form of therapy or personal development or you're extremely attached to living your identity as a victim disassociating from your emotions, because you may find this depth of healing too confronting and overwhelming.
It won't work if you're not ready to let go of your pain which requires you to move through your resistance in letting go of control, you're not ready to change and you don't want to change, you expect others including myself to fit into your view of the world and have unrealistic and rigid expectations how I should show up for you that doesn't require honest feedback to uncover your blind spots but just sympathy, you're comfortable playing small and being a victim, you're sceptical, narrow-minded and looking for a quick fix, you want a friend in a therapist or you suffer from severe drug (including psychedelics and plant medicine) and alcohol addictions.
You don't reach out for help and struggle to ask for it. You expect me to read your mind and come up with all of the solutions laid out for you. You're someone who is always late or don't show up for appointments because you're having a "bad day". You withdraw if I challenge your way of thinking, check up on you, unwilling to be clear in your communication or lack transparency and consistency in what you say.
If this is you, my work and my offerings are not for you.
This is not compatible if you suffer from severe clinical disorders and rely heavily on prescriptive drugs. For example, personality disorders, schizophrenia, bi-polar, OCD, Autism and so forth. Please consult with your doctor and psychologist, psychiatrist or therapist for further treatment.
If you're looking for an alternative to what you're already doing, check out The Holistic Psychologist, Dr Robert Morse and Dr Gabor Mate. Do your own research if you wish to seek a holistic doctor, clinics and plant medicine.
Are you interested in seeking help from another clinical psychologist getting the same-same or do you want to choose a successful mentor where you can achieve real and sustainable results fast?
I invest in my personal growth and consciousness between 2-3 highly successful soul-aligned mentors a year who are in the healing arts that are related to childhood trauma, so I continually evolve as a person and professional in order to deliver bigger shifts and faster results to my existing and future clients.
Here is a list of my qualifications so far...
I'm all about turning trauma into transformation, my love! It's time to stop living in the past and start living your best life. Book a Clarity Call with me
I run my 1:1 sessions via Zoom only. It's not the platform, it's the method that provides results.
In between sessions, I do provide personalised online support through email, Whatsapp, Line and phone support especially for emergency crises, so you can get direct access to me at anytime (if my mobile is on and I'm awake) instead of waiting for your next session to have your questions answered or anything that you need to share or address.
You will also have access to my signature online trauma recovery course called Rebuild Your Self Worth, which is hosted on secure, safe and easy-to-use software called Kartra if you are working with me extensively through Find Yourself In Trust mentorship.
It's so easy to use. I email you the link and login details for you to click on and copy paste your login, then presto! You're in and you see my welcome video with modules and incredible bonuses to support your alchemy. All you need is access to the internet and a device, whether it's your mobile, tablet, laptop or computer. I have 70 year old male clients watching my modules and they are not tech-savvy!
If you're interested to learn more, I suggest you watch my free webinar on How To Overcome The Impacts Of Childhood Trauma In 3 Months first to see if my work is in alignment with what you're looking for.
Why does Tony Robbins, an NLP practitioner, charge $1B a year for private coaching? Why does Regan Hillyer charge $1M a year for private coaching? I price my work based on your transformation. What would your life look like when you have successfully freed yourself from trauma? You would be a completely different person, right? With the right client and mentor, this can be achieved in 3 months.
However, not everybody is my ideal client and I am very selective about who I choose to engage in my work because this requires a huge chunk of my time and energy to facilitate your healing of transformation. I do this by understanding your specific childhood wounding that is keeping you stuck in the past and implementing specific methods and modalities to release yourself from your emotional trauma for you to be sovereign and free. I have no interest in treating you like a meal ticket by working by the hour like your standard psychologist, energy healer or life coach just to save you money, but you won't get your time or your life back. This is not a sustainable option for you to live your best life.
If you're not ready to invest in yourself financially, you might want to consider my shop for my light language audios, upcoming workshops and online trauma clearing ceremonies.
Yes, of course! I'm a big believer in Satisfaction Guarantees. I know what it's like to hire a business coach for a premium without a high return on my investment despite my willingness to be highly coachable and a massive action taker and not seeing progressive changes or results.
If you're not satisfied with any of my online courses or working with me privately within 48 hours after viewing the course content or your FIRST session with me, I will refund your money back. Email to cancel your enrollment and I'll honour the Satisfaction Guarantee. This is to protect you as a consumer and give you a peace of mind too!
However, there are NO REFUNDS for any ticket bookings for any of my online and face to face events unless I have changed the date, time or venue. If, for some reason, you're not able to attend due to circumstances, you can sell or transfer your ticket to someone else. Make sure you email name, mobile and email of that person, so I can inform them how to make the most of my event.
Depending on the level of trust we've built together and understanding your current situation, I will modify your process or encourage you to push through knowing that there's power on the other side of your pain.
I work with men and women from different cultures, ages and occupations across the world who have suffered from sexual abuse as children and adults, domestic violence, entity attacks, dysfunctional family dynamics, panic attacks, nightmares, flashbacks, relationship abuse, love triangles and worst of all, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). So I'm well equipped with professional experience, energetic boundaries, skills and procedures in place to help cater to the needs of different clients.
On a personal level, I have endured financial hardship in my family dynamic as well as slavery and domestic violence where I witnessed my mum being hit and bullied and this being directed at myself. I was sexually abused by my uncle throughout puberty. I was the scapegoat of my family and bullied in various schools. I found myself being a mother and partner to my mum where I was supporting her emotionally and financially.
As a result of this, I experienced mental meltdowns after breakup after breakup, anger and abandonment anxiety. I found myself being addicted to sex, binge eating, retail therapy and toxic relationships. I didn't understand what boundaries were because I tolerated so much abuse in my childhood growing up.
So I totally get it! However, these symptoms of childhood trauma are just a thing of the past. I feel good in my own skin, a healthy and conscious vegan, and loving my own company in my sensual feminine which resulted in magnetising my soul lover and lifetime partner into my life. I am my own best friend and it's time for you to be, too!
What are you waiting for? Book a Clarity Call with me.
Success Stories
Who doesn't want a good happy ending?🥰
“It’s been an absolute pleasure working with you during these few months. You are an amazing soul with so much to give. You hold space so well for others to heal and explore their journeys of transformation. I can’t wait to see you change this world. It’s so needs your teachings and love. We are so blessed to have you Grace us with your wisdom and compassion. You are going to be a force that’s needed to heal so many. I am so happy to be a part of your journey too.”
Annalise Pearson
“Jess X Goh's program is nothing short of a transformation. It’s a life changing 3 month’s event that creates different results in life. The sessions were extremely powerful: breath-taking visualisations, mind-blowing meditations, astonishing timeline corrections, brilliant cord cutting rituals, fantastic higher self connecting procedures, as well as trauma, shame, judgement and anger-releasing exercises. Jessica is very experienced, professional, encouraging, motivating, friendly, kind and generous facilitator. The effects of the sessions I had with Jessica were beyond my expectations. After every single session, I felt more and more empowered and in control of my life, significantly positive and hopeful, as well as healed. I’ve eventually started coming to terms with my past, coming to acceptance with where I am at in life, and feeling at ease and at peace with life, the world, my reality, my environment, my family and myself. I’ve finally been able to release stuck energies, unprocessed grief, hurt and loss, let go of the pain, and simply forgive. Before I met Jessica, I had been struggling with that part a lot. Having completed the course, I know I’ve accomplished much more than I thought was possible for me at this stage of my life. The rewards have been tenfold than my initial investment. This course is absolutely amazing. I couldn’t even imagine that level of metamorphosis, realisations, insights, awareness and understanding in my wildest dreams. It was just gently opening my mind to another level of life, possibilities, relations and interactions, and allowed me to tap into that. I didn’t even know it was there, available all the time, while I had been trapped, stuck and living in the past. My only regret is that I didn’t find Jessica online earlier. If you’re reading this, run, don’t walk to work with Jessica.”
Katia Britta
Conscious Mama, UK
Let's Stay In Touch!
💖Ready to connect with me in a heartfelt way?
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Learn from me with my latest insights on childhood trauma, conscious relationships, my interviews with podcasters, ancestral trauma clearing talks at wellness festivals and free healing activations
Shop My Digital Products & Events
Check out my online shop for my light language audios to start clearing childhood and ancestral trauma, my upcoming online healing circles, face to face workshops and transforming trauma retreats
Business Enquiries
Email Please bear in mind that this email isn't for spamming any marketing, SEO, tech (and the like) services or dumping life stories to get free "therapy". Only sincere enquiries will be attended to. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated as I value my time serving the right people.
DISCLAIMER: Information found on Life In Confidence or any of its media platforms is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any statements made on these platforms are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult with your medical practitioner before making any changes to your current diet, medication and lifestyle. Any spiritual insights obtained through my work, including private sessions, digital products, workshops, retreats, circles and webinars etc, is guidance only. It is your responsibility to consider this guidance in the greater context of your life and make your own life decisions and not base them on any one form of guidance alone. Trust your intuition and do what feels right for you.
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